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What to say (and what not to say): Holiday Edition

The holidays can be hard for those struggling with infertility. In addition to encouraging anyone in the midst of their journey to create healthy boundaries, say no, and even consider a new holiday tradition if your current plans are too triggering, we’d like to offer something to the friends and family of those struggling (or, honestly really anyone because somethings should just not be asked about!).

First and likely most important: Don’t ask pregnancy related questions. It’s never ok to ask someone if they are trying for a baby. This question, while so painful for many, is just too personal! Can you imagine asking an equally personal question to your cousins/aunts/etc? We like a response with a gentle, but firm comment drawing attention to that question like “Wow?! That is a really personal thing to ask me!” Hopefully this will help stop further conversations like this.

Second, offer love and support on their terms. This suggestion is more for people who know about your journey. Let them determine what kind of support they need and, above all else, offer love.

Third, respect their boundaries. This just isn’t about you. It’s about protecting themselves during a really delicate time. Please don’t make it about you (see number 2, offer love). If they can’t stay for the whole gathering, or just can’t be around the couple that just can’t stop taking about their pregnancy, that’s ok. Boundaries are healthy.

Fourth, be mindful of conversation topics. I know that in a group of parents, conversation often revolves around kids and families, as it is often what occupies the majority of your time. But, if you have someone in your group that doesn’t ‘have a family (whether they are trying, not trying, wanting a family or not) make sure you move conversation to a different topic. Trust me, they will be so grateful!

Fifth, it’s ok to just hold space for someone who is struggling. They usually don’t want advice and saying “it could be worse” never comes off well. It’s ok just to say “that sounds awful. I am so sorry” and then just be with them or even ask how they need support. If you are feeling at a loss here, this video might help.

Sixth, if you know someone that is struggling, just ask them what they need. They might want to recount stories from the good ol’ days to get their mind off of it. They might want to talk about their feelings or their journey. They might want a wingman to help deflect questions from Aunt Susan. I’m sure, even if they don’t need anything, knowing you’ve got their back will make their holidays a little brighter.

Seventh, basically a repeat of number 4, but we wanted to reword this advice in another, more direct way. If you know someone is trying or even struggling, ask them about their job, hobbies, interests, literally anything else. They likely want social interaction and would love to be asked about anything other than their pregnancy status.

Eighth, last and definitely not least, don’t ever analyze anyones food choices to see if you can ‘figure out’ if they are pregnant or not. This behavior is annoying at best and intrusive at worst. You will find out soon enough and it is really none of your business. Someone might not be ready to share if they’ve previously had miscarriages or didn’t get great news at their last ultrasound. They also might be watching their diet or not drinking alcohol to prepare for a cycle or maybe they just want to be healthier and it has nothing to do with pregnancy or fertility. They might want a second helping of potatoes because they are eating for two, or they are just hungry and love potatoes! Again, this is none of your business unless you want your choices to be open for questioning.

Celebrating Good News: Why We Say What We Say

A photo of a couple hugging with the text" Celebrating Good News! Why We Say What We Say"
We often tell our patients to celebrate good news in a way that feels right to them and this is why….

Something I find myself saying on an almost daily basis is to “celebrate this news in a way that feels right to you.”⁠ ⁠

I want to take a moment to unpack this statement a little bit. Infertility is tough, really tough. Everyone copes with this difficulty in their own way and many find themselves not wanting to get their hopes up for fear of disappointment. This is, of course normal (btw, you don’t have to be ‘optimistic’ for it to work) and cautious optimism can be a great way to support your mental health. However, when good news does finally come, whether it is finally having enough follicles for a retrieval, a lining thick enough for transfer, finding the right medication dosage that seems to support a healthy cycle, or even finally getting news you are pregnant, we think it is so important to honor that moment. ⁠

You worked hard and went though so much to get to this moment and you deserve a small moment of celebration! We encourage couples to take some time and celebrate. This celebration can look different for different families and situations. You may have just found out you were pregnant, but have a history of loss that might make your celebratory moment look a bit different that someone without that history, and that is ok! A simple hug and expressing hope to your partner or a friend can be enough. Maybe you go have your favorite meal or get a bouquet of flowers. It doesn’t have to be much, but honor how far you’ve come in a way that also honors how far you might still have to go. ⁠ ⁠

You will get there, remember to love yourself along the way! 🧡

-Sarah Prater, L.Ac. Tennessee Center For Reproductive Acupuncture

Photo of supplements pills with "Fertility Supplements: A Guide for Couples Trying to Conceive" on the side

Fertility Supplements: A Guide for Couples Trying to Conceive

There is so much information online about what supplements may or may not be helpful for fertility. It seems that almost everyone has an opinion and, if you search long enough, you’ll find story after story that goes like this “I took x for only one cycle and was pregnant after x months!” While these can feel encouraging, supplements typically aren’t the magic bullet for a single cycle. Some can even cause cycle irregularity if used in cases where they are not indicated (I’m looking at you vitex!). The truth is that achieving pregnancy is, like most other things, a journey that involves a healthy diet and lifestyle, appropriate supplements, and possibly treatment from a reproductive endocrinologist in conjunction with other providers as needed.

So, what supplements are helpful? We wanted to break down our most commonly recommended supplements and why they might be helpful so you can talk with your fertility team about what is best for you.

This list of supplements comes from Theralogix and we chose this particular company because of their high standards and focus on researched backed supplements. All of their supplements are dye free, dairy and gluten free. They have clean labeling, so you’ll never get an ingredient you aren’t expecting. And they are third party certified by NSF International.

Links to product pages below include our PRC discount code (137923) for Theralogix so you can be sure you are receiving the best pricing. The PRC code (137923) can also be entered at checkout to receive the discounted price. We do receive some compensation for sales generated through these links.

Prenatal Vitamins

I’m sure you expected this one, but a good prenatal is always recommended for all women trying to conceive. Prenatal vitamins contain nutrients like folic acid, iron, and others that work to make sure your body’s nutrient profile is optimized for pregnancy which can help support fertility as well as help your body be ready when you finally find success.

Getting a good quality prenatal vitamin is essential. We recommend Theralogix brand prenatal vitamins and they have a full lineup of choices from a preconception specific vitamin to their most comprehensive prenatal, Theranatal Complete. Choose one you will take daily, some contain multiple softgels/pills per day which can be hard for some women especially in early pregnancy.

Their line-up includes Theranatal Complete, Theranatal One, and Theranatal Core, a preconception focused prenatal. For breastfeeding mothers, they also offer Theranatal Lactation Complete to make sure you’re getting the nutrients specific for nourishing your baby.

Vitamin D

If we had to name an underdog in the fertility world we’d give it, hands down, to good ol’ vitamin D. A 2017 study showed that women with lower vitamin d levels had a harder time conceiving on their own. Low levels are also associated with poorer outcomes in ART (assisted reproductive technologies). There is even some evidence that lower vitamin D levels are associated with higher rates of preeclampsia during pregnancy.

Men also benefit from good levels of vitamin d. Studies show that healthy vitamin D levels may improve testosterone levels as well as sperm motility.

It is always a good idea to ask your doctor to test your vitamin D levels, as very low levels require a prescription dose and follow up with testing after supplementing for awhile to make sure your levels stay in a healthy range.

Most good quality prenatal vitamins and even Conception XR will have adequate levels of vitamin D, but it might be worth an additional supplement if your prenatal has less than 1000IUs per dose. If you need an additional supplement due to a diagnosed deficiency or your prenatal is lacking, Theralogix has a great stand-alone vitamin d supplement. Please check the FAQ section for possible drug interactions.


CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that may improve egg quality and help support optimal chromosomal division during fertilization. CoQ10 helps to improve how the egg cells create energy which can improve cell division and overall egg health. Cells’ ability to create energy becomes less efficient as we age. It may also improve response to ovarian stimulation for some women with poor ovarian reserve.

We recommend this supplement to anyone concerned about ovarian reserve. It is usually very well tolerated. It is not known to be beneficial during pregnancy, so you can stop taking it once you find out your cycle was a success.

There is also evidence that CoQ10 may be beneficial for male fertility as well.

Theralogix makes a highly absorbable CoQ10 supplement that is one of our most popular supplements. Please read the FAQs for possible drug interactions.

Fish Oil

Fish oil, omega three fatty acids and DHA, are found in seafood and have an important role in cells throughout the body. They are an important part of cell walls and membranes and support the receptors, including those that regulate genetic function, in these walls to allow good communication between the cells in the body. They also are the starting point for hormones that regulate inflammation and contractions of artery walls.

For supporting fertility, there is evidence that fish oil can support pregnancy rates for those trying naturally and that it may play a role in reducing miscarriage. It may also increase uterine blood flow and help to regulate the immune system. There is also evidence that fish oil can improve male fertility as well.

Some prenatal vitamins will contain DHA and omega-3 fatty acids, but here is a link to a great standalone supplement from Theralogix.

Fish oil can act as a blood thinner, so please read the FAQs for possible contraindications as well as recommendations around surgical procedures.


This powerful antioxidant is most known for its use in treating circadian rhythm disorders or occasional insomnia, but more and more research is coming out showing that melatonin may be a key player in the development of healthy eggs and embryos.

Research shows that melatonin can help increase the number of mature oocytes (eggs) retrieved, improve fertilization rates, and improve embryo quality for those undergoing IVF. Additionally, pregnancy and clinical pregnancy rates improve with melatonin.

3mg Melatonin should be taken about 30 minutes before bedtime and we recommend stopping it once you are pregnant. It is also not recommended for women trying naturally, as it can impact ovulation. There are some medications (see FAQs) that are possibly contraindicated with melatonin, so please talk with your doctor before starting supplementation.


Ovasitol contains 2 forms of inositol which provide 4,000 mg of myo-inositol and 100 mg of D-chiro-inositol, in the body’s naturally occurring ratio of 40:1. Inositol is a nutrient found in fruits, beans, grains, and nuts and is also made by the body.

Research shows inositol can balance hormones leading to more regular, ovulatory menstrual cycles. It also promotes healthy ovarian function, lipid levels, reduce insulin sensitivity, and may support better egg quality. In ART, it has been shown to support oocyte development and maturation and improve pregnancy rates.

Ovasitol is recommended for those that have been diagnosed with PCOS. It comes as a tasteless powder that is mixed into the beverage of your choice twice daily. Most of our patients report that it is actually is, in fact, tasteless. If you are taking a thyroid medication, please review the FAQ’s for details on timing Ovasitol.

Male Prenatal

Obisouly, most of this post has focused on supplements for women, but we all know that it takes a healthy sperm and egg to create a healthy embryo. Fortunately, there is a supplement designed just for men. Theralogix Conception XR Reproductive Health Formula is formulate with fertility specific nutrients and powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium, designed to support sperm health. We consider this a “male prenatal” and recommend it anyone trying to conceive or going through IVF, where motility is not a concern.

If there are concerns about motility, we’d recommend the other product in Theralogix’s male fertility line, Conception XR Motility Support Formula. While more expensive, it contains and additional ingredient, L-carnitine, to help support motility. This is a great choice for those with motility issues or anyone trying to conceive naturally, with a medicated cycle, or through IUI.

Please review the FAQs on each page for drug interactions.

While both of these contain vitamin D, they do not contain Fish oil or CoQ10, so we’d add those on to the recommendation for male fertility.


With any medication, supplement, or herb, there is always the possibility of a drug interaction. Please review the FAQ page for each supplement for an overview of drug interactions and other contraindications and always talk with your doctor before starting any new supplement. It also a good idea to review supplements with your team prior to starting a new cycle as well.


Subchorionic Hemorrhage: What are they and what you need to know

Photo of a seated woman holding her abdomen with the words "subchorionic hemorrhage" over the photo
Subchorionic hemorrhage is a common cause of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy.

Subchorionic Hemorrhage

Lately we’ve had a few patients with subchorionic hemorrhage come through our office doors. We wanted to take a moment and share what SCH is, what do if you have one, and how acupuncture might be able to help.

First, what is a SCH?

A subchorionic hemorrhage is a collection of blood between the chorion (the outermost membrane that surrounds the fetus) and the uterine wall. It is a common cause of vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, affecting up to 20% of women. Most subchorionic hemorrhages are small and go away on their own without any problems for the pregnancy. However, larger hemorrhages can increase the risk of some complications. The exact cause of subchorionic hemorrhages is unknown, but they are thought to be caused by a tear in the chorion.

Second, what should you do?

Any time you have any bleeding in pregnancy, your first call should be to your OB or RE. They can run some blood work and do an ultrasound to make sure your pregnancy is healthy and rule out miscarriage. They may recommend additional progesterone, bed rest, pelvic rest, or other treatments.

Third, how can acupuncture help?

To be clear, acupuncture should never be used in lieu of treatment from your doctor, we always recommend an integrative approach. There is evidence that acupuncture combined with progesterone can “improve the effective rate of patients with threatened abortion in early pregnancy complicated with subchorionic hematoma, regulate immune factors, promote the hematoma absorption, and has a better synergistic effect” with progesterone. It can also help alleviate anxiety as any bleeding during pregnancy is terrifying!

If you have questions, feel free to give us a call, 865-315-3845 or email us at, we’re always happy to help!

Why We Recommend Theralogix

One thing we often get asked about is supplementation and herbs to support fertility. While not every supplement is appropriate for every patient or in every situation, we often suggest some supplements to help support your fertility journey. For instance, being on a good quality prenatal is always recommended while trying to conceive.

At The Tennessee Center for Reproductive Acupuncture, the brand we recommend the most is Theralogix. We wanted to take a moment and share why this company does a great job with their supplements and specifically supplements for fertility. As always, please consult your medical doctor before starting any supplements. The following comes from Theralogix’s website:

Why we recommend Theralogix supplements

1.  Medical Advisory Board Oversite 

The Theralogix Medical Advisory Board (MAB) is a multi-disciplinary group comprised of physicians, nationally reputed scientists, and faculty members from leading U.S. medical schools. Each product formulation has been approved by the MAB after detailed review of the scientific data.

The MAB continues to meet regularly to conduct extensive reviews of scientific research and to offer guidance on improving existing formulations or developing new products.

2.  Research-Based Formulations

Theralogix will never sell a product that is not backed by solid scientific evidence. That is our promise to you.

3. High Quality Ingredients

Theralogix works in conjunction with top manufacturers to source the highest-quality ingredients for our products. Theralogix often specifies the raw material to be sourced, typically because we believe there is an advantage with a specific raw ingredient in quality, performance (bioavailability or other performance measure), or because a material is used in supporting research.

Whenever possible Theralogix will disclose the specific supplier of key raw materials on product labels.  All raw materials must meet the sourcing and testing requirements of the NSF International Certification program.  Theralogix will not source any ingredient that cannot be tested, identified, or that is not standardized.

4. Current Good Manufacturing Practices 

Theralogix products are produced by the highest-quality, U.S.-based manufacturing facilities under conditions that exceed the Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) standards set forth by the FDA.

cGMP refers to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). cGMPs assure that manufacturers follow proper design, monitoring, and regulations when producing dietary supplements. Adherence to the cGMP regulations assures the identity, strength, quality, and purity of nutritional supplements.

5.  Independent Testing and Certification

It is important to know precisely what is in the supplement you choose to take. To achieve that assurance, Theralogix works closely with NSF® International, a not-for-profit organization that is the world leader in standards development, product certification, education, and risk management for public health and safety.  

NSF certification guarantees that the product contains exactly what is stated on its label, that there are no contaminants or other ingredients that are not listed on the label, and that cGMPs established by the FDA have been met during the production of the product.

Since our founding in 2002, every eligible Theralogix product is tested and certified through the NSF International Dietary Supplement Certification Program. 

In addition to certification and testing by NSF International, Theralogix also voluntarily submits its products that contain fish oil for further testing.  International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS)tests for contaminants and heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  The fish oil used in our products is certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

6.  Transparent Labeling

Theralogix follows a clean label policy. All products are artificial dye-free, gluten-free, and contain no proprietary blends or undisclosed ingredients.  We strive to reduce or eliminate excipients as much as possible within our production process. Theralogix bottles are made with materials that are recyclable.   

7.  Clinical Trials

Theralogix products have been used in over a dozen clinical trials conducted by esteemed universities and research institutions across the United States. Several of these clinical trials have been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the world’s foremost medical research centers. 

Our products have been chosen for use in clinical trials because of their high-quality ingredients and verified content-accuracy.  We are truly honored to be trusted by so many of the country’s leading research institutions.

8. Our Nutrition Experts

Nutritional Science is the core of our company. From our Chief Scientific Officer to our registered dietitians, we are here to help you achieve optimal health. We strive to ensure our science-based formulations will deliver the highest-quality nutrients to support your individual needs. For answers to your nutrition questions, please call 1-888-899-3899, ext. 2 to speak with one of our registered dietitians.

Please use our PRC Discount Code to receive Theralogix’s best pricing. We receive a small commission from every sale using our PRC code.

Theralogix Supplements: Online Store Now Available

Check out Theralogix’s new online store with our provider discount already applied!

Theralogix sells excellent quality prenatal vitamins, CoQ10, our favorite inositol for PCOS, and many other supplements including our recommended male “prenatal” vitamin, Conception XR RHF.

We wanted to share a link to their online store with our provider discount already factored in so you can order your supplements from the comfort of your own home and not have to hassle with in-office ordering. Or, if you’d prefer to use the code directly with your order, our Provider Reference Code is 137923.

Click below to be taken right to the site!


Please see your provider for specific supplement recommendations or with any questions and always check with your physician before starting any supplements. 

Never Say Never

“You’ll never be able to get pregnant.” 

Have you had anyone ever tell you this? These 7 words are one of our biggest pet peeves. So often, I’ve heard this come from other providers without a proper diagnosis and exam or even friends and family members and it is absolutely devastating to the couple involved. Thankfully, Knoxville’s reproductive endocrinologists are careful with their words and would never say such a thing without first doing a careful exam and diagnosis and discussing all the options with you. Much of the time, they are able to present a treatment plan that will eventually result in a healthy pregnancy. We are truly lucky here in East Tennessee, but I digress.

NEVER is such a strong word (assuming, obviously, you have the necessary organs, etc). In my 10 + year career as an acupuncturist, I have been blessed to be a witness to some amazing miracles in women who seemingly have little chance. 

My patients hear me talk about this all the time when encouraging them to try while they wait for IVF or during an unlikely cycle (if, of course, they don’t feel it would add undue stress on them). I finally decided to write about never saying never because one of our miracle patients just delivered healthy twin boys. She had been trying to conceive for over 4 years and went through cycle after cycle, IUI, medications, and more, finally deciding to move forward with IVF. During her retrieval cycle, her response was much less than her doctor anticipated, so the tough decision was made to cancel the retrieval and, instead, do an IUI. She agreed to the plan, with hopes of repeating the retrieval with a different medication protocol in a coming cycle, but was understandably not feeling positive about the IUI at all. We used acupuncture and timed her treatments with our standard IUI treatment protocol. Then, on a day I’ll never forget, I got a phone call. “Uh, so, uh, my pregnancy test was positive.” The shock and disbelief was palpable and understandable!  After congratulations (and some tears), we started with our prenatal wellness protocol. After 9 healthy months, two sweet baby boys were born. 

Do I think acupuncture was the reason this miracle happened? No. Acupuncture, as much as I wish it was, is not magical. Who knows exactly why it happened. She had an excellent fertility team, a healthy lifestyle, had been doing acupuncture regularly, and the right egg and sperm finally met. Everything just came together. Acupuncture can improve blood flow, help regulate hormones, calm stress, and reduce side effects, but it isn’t magical. 

Acupuncture makes a great complement to any type of treatment cycle.

Upon reflecting back on my patients over the years, there have been a number of equally miraculous situations:

-A patient with one tube fell pregnant when she had only one mature follicle on the side without a tube (there is evidence that eggs can transfer to the other tube during ovulation).

– A woman with severe diminished egg reserve who became pregnant on her own after multiple failed IVF cycles with some of the most well known clinics in the country. For the record, she was not doing acupuncture when she got pregnant. They had stopped “trying.” She shared the news with me after a healthy 20 week anatomy scan. 

-A woman who ovulated a second time after her trigger shot and IUI and became pregnant with that follicle based on the timing of her positive pregnancy test and beta hCG numbers. 

– Many patients who’ve become pregnant naturally before moving forward with an IVF cycle, surgery, etc.

And many more whose details have softened over the years. While I wish every patient had this story, we are so happy for those who do. 

We often get feedback about how hopeful we are as we walk with our patients on their infertility journeys. We nervously anticipate pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, blood work numbers right alongside our patients and feel the highs and lows of the rollercoaster ride. But our optimism, while sometimes a bit foreign to our patients who’ve been through so much, is rooted in these stories. We encourage our patients to try on their own (when it is possible, of course, and won’t cause too much stress) while they wait for a cycle to begin, surgery, etc. Because, you never know what might happen. Never say never

If you have any questions about adding acupuncture to your cycle or how we might be able to support your journey, please give us a call or an email. We are always happy to help.

Our Postpartum Kit is Now Available

We are so excited to share our postpartum recovery kit with you! Most of our mama’s take so much care planning for their birth, the weeks after baby arrives are often neglected. To follow up with our recent post on planning for this time, we’ve put together a kit with our favorite postpartum must-haves!

Sarah, our acupuncturist, developed this kit personally. After the birth of her daughter in February, she tried everything in this kit (and more that didn’t make the cut) and put together something that would really benefit postpartum mamas.

So we’d like to go through exactly what’s in each kit and why it was chosen:

Urban Herbs: Nourish the Mama Bone Broth Herbs: 

This herbal mix put together by Urban Herbs  is a fabulous addition to a bone broth (or vegan/vegetarian bone broth) to help nourish your body after birth. According to Chinese Medical theory, new mothers should try to consume warming foods in the month after birth. This herbal mix is the perfect way to add extra warming nourishment to yourpostpartum diet. These herbs help support your energy level, sleep, stress, and general recovery after birth.

Tip: Make your herbal broth ahead of time and freeze so it’s ready to go quickly. You can use it as a base for your favorite soups or drink on its own.

Mother Warming:

Mother Warming is another Chinese Medical treatment that helps the new mother recover after birth. Typically done a few days after birth, the warming, soothing moxa treatment done over your lower abdomen feels absolutely delightful! Moxa, a Chinese herb also known as mugwort, strengthens and tonifies the body. It is wrapped in paper, like a cigar, and burned near the skin to gently warm specific acupuncture points supporting recovery. Mothers love this treatment! There are more specific guidelines in our longer post on Mother Warming.

Perineal Spray:

 We cannot say enough good things about this herbal perineal spray from Earth Mama Angel Baby. After birth, using the bathroom can be uncomfortable! You’ll find many women recommending ‘padsicles’ to relieve this swelling. We don’t recommend these as they are often too cold for too long a time and can prevent blood flow and hinder the healing process. Instead, use this perineal spray every time you use the restroom or as needed. It is wonderfully cooling, refreshing, and can support healthy perineal healing. And, as a bonus, if you don’t use all of it before your perineum is done healing, it makes a wonderful after sun toner for your skin!

Tip: For extra cooling, keep it in the refrigerator.

Herbal Sitz Bath:

According the Earth Mama Organics website: Take care “down there” with herbal compresses filled with organic herbs traditionally used to soothe and comfort “down there” during pregnancy or after childbirth. Packed in easy-to-use, individual herbal sachets, each one is perfect for one use. The compresses can be cooled and gently “tucked” to help ease those pretty places, or use the brewed infusion to make postpartum padsicles or use as a sitz bath. Which is kind of like making tea for your nethers. Which is a totally lovely and perfectly polite thing to do.

Imperial Tonic Recovery Herbs: 

This Chinese herbal formula from Evergreen Herbs is an adaptogenic formula designed to support recovery after childbirth. It helps boost energy levels, support the immune system and healthy blood production, and promote general physical and psychological wellness. Generally, this formula is recommended 1-2 weeks after birth and taken for about a month to promote optimal recovery.

Nipple Cream: 

Earth Mama Angel Baby has, again, knocked it out of the park. Many mothers will claim this the best nipple cream on the market. While breastfeeding should not be painful (if it is please seek the care of an independent IBCLC), a good nipple cream applied after breastfeeding can keep nipples from drying out or cracking.

Tip: This is also an excellent salve for cuts and scrapes and make a great lip balm.

So there you have it! All packed up in a cute little storage bin perfect for the nursery, our postpartum  kit is a great way to get your postpartum recovery off to a great start! After all, your body, mind, and spirit deserve to be celebrated after your transformation into a new mama!

Postpartum recovery kits are available in the office or online.  We do ship, if needed. These also make a great gift for a friend or loved one!

Sitting the Month: 6 Tips to Help You Navigate Your Postpartum Time

Our 6 best tips to plan a restful and rejuvenating postpartum month!

There is a saying in Chinese, “zuo yue zi,” or “Sitting the Month” that refers to the idea that the  month following the birth of a baby is a sacred time reserved for rest, regeneration, and bonding with your new baby. After all, birth is an incredibly transformative event, it is rather silly to expect your body, mind, and soul to bounce back to normal activity in a short period of time. In fact, this rush to get back into action quickly is not healthy and can lead to a much longer recovery period.


Unfortunately, our society idolizes women for bouncing back and rushing back into work, life, exercise, and their pre-baby bodies. Celebrities, likely with extreme diet and exercise regimens put forth by their teams of professionals, often are the examples of this unattainable image.


If this isn’t your first child, you know how tough those first few weeks can be. Your newborn is dependent on you for everything and you are working so hard to figure out what each cry means, teaching yourself how to breastfeed or quickly make bottles while your baby gets more and more upset, and, all the while, expected to feed yourself and maybe sneak in a shower. The whole thing is exhausting and can be emotionally draining.


In China, women are encouraged to “sit the month” after birth and remain in bed with baby. Family, partners, and friends take care of the house, cook nourishing meals, and ensure the mother gets the rest she desperately needs. I think we should take a lesson from China and incorporate these theories into our postpartum plans.


During pregnancy, you likely found yourself researching, downloading, and revising your birth plan until it was a perfect vision of what you wanted for your birth. The time after baby comes is often ignored. We should, in fact, be putting at least as much effort into the weeks following baby’s arrival to allow for space for healing and recovery.


Aside from a much needed list of delegated tasks, desires, meal trains etc, a plan should be worked out to allow you to get the rest and recovery you need and the time you want to bond with your new baby.


So here are our tips for navigating your postpartum time:

1. Rest: Your body just went through one of the most single transformative times of your entire life. Give it a break! You nourished and grew a new person, birthed that person, and took on a new role as a mother. This is an amazing feat and it takes time to recover from and get acquainted to your transformed life.

  • For the month after birth, rest as much as possible. Lay in bed with your baby, sit on the couch with your baby, sit outside with your baby. Spend time staring at your baby and, of course, catching up on your favorite Netflix shows. If you feel like getting up and walking a little, by all means get off the couch, but listen intently to yourself. If you feel any soreness, increased perineal pressure, notice an increase in your lochia (the bleeding you will have postpartum), or have any discomfort back off and get back on the couch.
  • Spend time skin-to-skin with baby. Skin-to-skin was likely something you remember from your birth plan, but the benefits of this go well beyond the hour after birth. Skin-to-skin can help support good breastmilk supply, help baby regulate body temperature, and facilitate bonding. So, put on a robe or button up shirt, cuddle up, and enjoy!
  • Limit guests: I know everyone will want to come see the baby, but give yourself a few weeks without a stream of well-intending friends and family. Allow those who will take on a task, laundry, dishes, etc, and tell everyone else to come back later. Entertaining, or feeling like you have to entertain, cleaning your house, and preparing snacks is a lot of unnecessary pressure while you’re becoming familiar with your new role. Additionally, your new baby does not need the exposure to the coughs and sneezes your guests might bring.


2. Eat warm nourishing foods: One very big part of Sitting the Month is proper nutrition to replenish your body and support your recovery. The Chinese recommend a diet of warming foods and herbs. Some examples of things to add to your diet are:

  • Ginger: Use in soups or teas. Caution: Occasionally ginger can increase bleeding, so if this is the case for you, stop using it.
  • Wam spices: Use cinnamon, cardamom, chile, etc for cooking.
  • Bone broth (or vegetarian/vegan bone broth): with added warming spices or herbs.
  • Mushrooms: you can add these to your soups and broths for benefit to your immune system.
  • Eggs: These are a great source of protein and are great for pregnancy and postpartum support.
  • Red raspberry leaf tea: to help regulate hormones and reduce your uterine size back to normal.
  • Water, water, water! When your milk comes in you will find your thirst increases quite a bit. Combat that by increasing water consumption. This will also help reduce water retention and prevent headaches and muscle cramps.
  • Avoid cold foods: ice water, smoothies, ice cream, salads, raw veggies/fruits, etc.


3. Perineal Support: Whether you gave birth vaginally or not, you will notice some perineal soreness.. If you’ve had stitches or minor tearing you will definitely have some discomfort or even pain as your body heals.

  • Say No to Padsicles:  We recommend against the ‘padsicles’ you might find on Pinterest. That much cold placed right on tender, healing skin can reduce blood flow, increasing overall healing time. Instead, if you’d like to use something cold to reduce swelling, wrap an ice pack in a towel, so the cold you feel is more cool. Combine with an herbal perineal bath and/or spray to speed healing.
  • Perineal sitz baths: A sitz bath made from healing herbs can increase healing time and soothe your sore perineum. You can also use these herbs in a bath with epsom salts for extra relaxation.
  • Perineal Spray: Earth Mama Angel Baby makes a fantastic herbal perineal spray that will quickly become your best friend. The combination of herbs in this spray is soothing, cooling, and can help promote healing. Use every time you use the bathroom or as needed. If you have any leftover after healing, it makes a great after-sun face toner!
  • Prevent Constipation: Your first bowel movements after baby can be really tough, especially if you’ve had any pain medication or dehydration causing constipation. Taking magnesium or a stool softener in the first week or so can really help make going to the bathroom much more comfortable. Also, make sure you are drinking enough water, as this, of course, will help.


4. Lactation Support: So many women wanting to breastfeed go into it assuming it is a natural and easy process. And, for some, this is absolutely true. For others, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is so important to have an ally for your breastfeeding journey. They can make sure you are getting accurate, up to date information. We recommend a prenatal breastfeeding class and a visit from an independent IBCLC in the days after birth to check for tongue/lip ties and check baby’s latch to help support breastfeeding. Check out our resources page for our favorite lactation consultants. Many will do home visits, so you don’t even have to leave your house.


5. Mother Warming Ritual: Moxa, made from the leaves of the mugwort plant, is used to gently warm points along the lower abdomen in mom’s who’ve given birth vagainally or through a Cesarean birth. This is typically done about 3-4 days after birth and promotes healing, milk production, and alleviates discomfort. It is used on an as-needed basis after the initial warming.

  • This is a great way for partners to help out with postpartum healing.


Acupuncture can help treat and prevent many postpartum issues.

6. Acupuncture: There are so many benefits to a course of postpartum acupuncture. We can begin work on restoring your body, support healing, and help treat any issues you might be having with breastfeeding, digestion, sleep, anxiety/depression, etc.

  • Our recommended postpartum protocol is just 3 weekly visits starting at 2-3 weeks postpartum and as needed after that.



We look forward to working with you during your pregnancy and into your postpartum time! Please give us a call at 865-31503845 or contact us via email with any questions!


Why You Should Consider Hiring a Birth Doula

A doula is an excellent addition to your birth plan!

As our patients struggling with infertility finally get pregnant, aside from the joy of finally seeing those two lines, there are many decisions that need to be made. What provider is right for my pregnancy? What type of birth do I want?

Many of our patients have never allowed themselves to consider any of these things for fear of ‘putting the cart before the horse,’ so to speak. So this process, while exciting and wonderful, can be overwhelming and stressful.

One thing we often discuss with our patients, as they get closer to delivery, is their birth plan. It is our desire for our patients to be informed about their choices and have a provider they trust and feel totally comfortable with.  One thing that can really help during your pregnancy and birth is having a doula. As highly trained, non-medical birth experts, they can walk through your needs, fears, desires, etc and help you come up with a birth plan and guide you and your partner through labor.

I asked a trusted doula friend of mine to do a post for our blog about what role a doula can play and why you would consider working with one. So, without further adieu, here is Hillary Ebling with East Tennessee Doulas. 

Hilary and Danielle of East TN Doulas

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am so glad Sarah was able to help you reach this point! Did you know, she can continue to help you throughout your pregnancy?

I am Hillary Ebling, and I am a birth doula and postpartum doula in Knoxville, TN . I work with fellow doula, Danielle Anthony, at East TN Doulas. Working as a doula, we work with expectant families so they may have the best chance of achieving their ideal birth. Our goal is that you feel confident, cared for, and respected during your childbearing year.

As you begin researching how to have a happy, healthy childbirth, you may run across the words “birth doula” and see that this is a person who supports a family during pregnancy and birth. That sounds awesome… but you already spent money on a medical provider, birth location, and higher price tag baby items like a car seat and a crib. You may think a doula is a luxury you should go without. Before your accept this, however, check out these compelling reasons to spend the money on a birth doula.

First, what is the role of a doula?

“Doula” is a Greek word meaning a woman who serves. I’m using a more formal definition of birth doula to refer to a specially trained birth companion (not a friend or loved one) who provides labor support. This labor support includes comfort measures and emotional support. “Comfort measures” means using massage, position changes, water, hot/cold packs, mindfulness, and breathing to help deal with the intensity of labor. “Emotional support” means using reflective listening, positive presence, and reassurance to help increase your confidence and satisfaction of your birth experience.

It is important to notice that doulas play a completely “non-medical” role. Doulas do not diagnose or treat in any modality, nor do we take blood pressure or temperature, fetal heart tone checks, vaginal examinations or postpartum clinical care. What this means as a client, is that you also need a medical provider, whether that is a midwife or a doctor, to attend your birth. In short, your medical providers keep you and your baby safe, provide all medications, deliver the baby, and take care of the mother postpartum, whereas the doula keeps the mother encouraged, comfortable, and confident.

Now that we have clarified the role, what are the benefits of having a doula for my clients?


First, a doula is the only team member entirely focused on the laboring parent’s physical comfort and emotional well-being.

Your medical providers attention is inherently split between two different people – exactly as it should be! We all want a happy, healthy mother and baby at the end of a birth. Their training is scientific and this is where their focus should be. Medical providers are often expected to care for multiple patients at a time and usually work shifts of time in the hospital or on-call period.

A doula’s training, on the other hand, focuses on the “art of labor support,” that is, the emotional needs of people in labor, and non-medical physical and emotional comfort measures (as mentioned in the examples above). Our sole focus is on the needs of the mother, not the baby. Unlike medical providers, doulas work with one client at a time. We will join you when asked, either in early labor or later in active labor. We will stay with you throughout, often with only very brief breaks.


Second, having a doula can help you have shorter, more satisfying birth with less interventions.

Although the exact reasons for this are unclear, there have been numerous studies showing that doulas help families. The largest systematic review of continuous labor support, reported the combined findings from 20+ randomized controlled trials, including over 15,000 women. These trials focused on the benefits of continuous support (having a support person constantly present throughout labor, not coming and going as family and medical providers often must). Women with continuous labor support are

  • 28% less likely to have a cesarean section
  • 31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor
  • 9% less likely to use any pain medication
  • 34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively

Why can’t a family member or partner fill the same role for free?

Outcomes were most improved and intervention rates were most dramatically lowered in the group with doulas as their support person, not a nurse, friend, or family member.

But do you need one if your partner is really supportive?

In a perfect world, your doula and your partner work together to give you the best birth possible. We cannot possibly replace the loving, intimate relationship of your partner. We don’t stand in the way of your partner being great labor support – we help him or her achieve it!

Our birth culture puts a lot of pressure on partners. A pregnant parent often expects her partner to be knowledgeable – and good – at a host of new things. You may expect your partner to help you emotionally (by providing reassurance, encouragement, and confidence in you) or physically (by encouraging coping mechanisms like breathing and relaxation and providing comfort measures like massage). Lastly, you might expect your partner to fulfill other roles, like updating family and friends of your labor progress. That’s a lot of expectations for one person to handle! For many partners, this may be the first time he or she has ever set foot in a delivery room or seen labor! Add the love your partner feels for you and your discomfort to the equation, and it can be completely overwhelming!

With a birth team of both a partner and a doula, though, we share the weight of these expectations. You will have twice the emotional support and reassurance. We can alternate providing physical support so your partner is less fatigued by the labor. We stay with you if your partner needs a break for food or to update your family. This way, you are never unsupported and your partner can have peace of mind while handling these tasks. We have seen many labors and can use our experience to provide helpful suggestions for new things to try for both you and your partner.


Last but certainly not least, doulas provide informational support to the family.

By “informational support”, I mean explanation and discussion of practices and procedures, and assistance in acquiring any knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your care. We help you find reputable, evidence-based information that will help you make informed decisions about your birth and your new baby’s care.

In essence, a doula doesn’t tell you how you should give birth. Instead, we share information with you so you can make informed decisions and then support you, whatever your choices.

Ok, so you definitely want a doula, but aren’t doulas expensive?

Often, yes – we are trying both to answer a calling and make a living. Although not usually covered by your insurance, some insurance companies will pay a portion or allow you to pay for your doula out of a health or flexible savings account. Contact your health insurance provider for more information about your specific situation.

DONA International’s Vision is “A doula for every woman who wants one”. With this in mind, many doulas offer some way to cut costs. I offer gift certificates so friends and family can donate to help financially (consider asking for this for baby shower presents!!). We do offer some packages of our services to save a little bit of money when bundling services. I am of course happy to answer any questions you have about my current options email us or give us a call at (865)315-8548.

Bottom Line: With all this information in mind, I urge you to consider carefully the benefits and options to offset the cost before you write off having a doula off as a luxury you can’t afford!

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