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5 Reasons to Try Acupuncture for Fertility

5 reasons why you should consider adding acupuncture to your fertility treatment.

Are you currently trying to get pregnant or planning to try in the next few months? Have you considered adding fertility acupuncture to your IVF, IUI, or medicated cycle?

You’ve probably read or heard a little about acupuncture for fertility, but maybe don’t know much about how it can help you. Here are our top five reasons why you should book an acupuncture treatment with your next cycle!

  1. Increases Chances of a Take Home Baby: Research shows that acupuncture not only improves pregnancy rates (up to 60%!), but can reduce miscarriages leading to an overall increase in the chances of a take home baby! After all, this is what everyone facing infertility really wants! This research is typically done on IVF cycles, but the same mechanisms of action can help improve an IUI, medicated, or natural cycle in much the same way.
  2. Improves Blood Flow:  Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow to the uterus. This improved blood flow is associated with a better chance of embryo implantation in IVF cycles. It can also facilitate better nutrient delivery and waste product removal to potentially increase the the quality of your follicles and endometrial lining.
  3. Hormone Regulation: Over the course of 1-3 months, acupuncture can help to regulate your reproductive hormones. For example, women with PCOS often begin ovulating after treatment with acupuncture. Subtle cycle changes also occur as hormones become more balanced. Changes often noticed during the course of treatment include: increased fertile cervical mucous, a longer luteal phase, reduced PMS symptoms, and even changes in your basal body temperature chart.
  4. Reduced Stress: We all know struggling with infertility is stressful. Acupuncture can help you cope with this stress so you can relax and feel normal while going through treatment cycles. It causes a release of ‘feel-good’ chemical called endorphins in your brain that will…. well, help you feel good! You may also notice that you sleep better or have better digestion after treatment as well.
  5. Treatment of Side effects: Often when we are treating patients during their cycles, we use points to reduce headaches, nausea, bloating, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, constipation, anxiety…. you name it! Making you feel comfortable during treatment is a huge part of what we do. The way we see it is that, for many couples, success can be a matter of time. Time finding the right medication combination that works with your body and time waiting for the right follicle to develop. If we can make that wait easier, you’re more likely to try an additional cycle or two and increase your chances of success! Additionally, we all know you can’t push the pause button on life while you undergo fertility treatment, so we work to help keep you at your best so you can continue to be a wife, co-worker, student, mother, sister, friend, and/or superwoman!

As you can see, combining acupuncture to your fertility treatment plan is a great way to, not only, increase your chances of pregnancy, but to feel more comfortable, relaxed and get a more regulated cycle!

We work with both men and women to find a treatment protocol that works with the timing of their cycles to give you the maximum benefit of acupuncture. Please give us a call or contact us online and we’ll walk you through what is best for your situation. Or, if you’re ready, you can schedule an appointment online now! 

Pineapple and Implantation: Does it really work?

Can eating pineapple really help you get pregnant?
Can eating pineapple really help you get pregnant?

If you’ve been consulting with Dr. Google, reading fertility blogs, or participating in message boards you’ve undoubtedly heard of using pineapple to support embryo implantation. Maybe you’ve even tried it, after all, what could it hurt and pineapple is delicious!


While the research supporting pineapple’s use as an implantation aid is still out, there are a few possible mechanisms by which it might be helpful. It all starts with bromelain. Bromelain is the enzyme in pineapple that is thought to give pineapple its therapeutic effects. Specifically, bromelin:


Is an anti-inflammatory agent: Research suggests that bromelain encourages the immune system to move away from an inflammatory state. This could possibly help women with implantation issues caused by inflammation.


Acts as a blood-thinner and anti-coagulant: Blood thinners, like aspirin, are commonly recommended to women trying to conceive by their doctors to support blood flow to the uterus. The bromelain in pineapple can have a similar effect. The healthier the blood flow is to the uterus, the higher the chances of conception. Acupuncture treatment also improves blood flow to the uterus.


So, if you’d like to try using pineapple to support implantation there are a few guidelines:

  1. Don’t use canned pineapple: the canning process can destroy bromelain
  2. Make sure to eat the core: this is where the highest concentration of bromelain is located.
  3. Use only after ovulation! See guidelines for use below. Eating too much pineapple before ovulating might increase the acidity of your cervical mucus, making it inhospitable for sperm.
  4. Is is not recommended to use pineapple (with core) as a fertility aid while taking any other type of blood thinner (aspirin, lovenox, etc) without discussing with your doctor.
  5. Choose an organic pineapple whenever possible.
  6. Stop eating pineapple (with core) if you find out you are pregnant. Pineapple (without core) as a snack is ok.


Using Pineapple to Support Implantation:

First, cut the green top off and remove the outer peel of the pineapple with a knife. Then slice into 6-8 equal wedges (remember to not remove the core!). Eat 1 slice per day for 6-8 days.


  • Trying Naturally: Begin eating your wedges the day after ovulation.
  • IUI: Begin eating wedges the day after the IUI procedure.
  • IVF: Begin eating wedges the day of your embryo transfer


Hopefully you will soon be one of the many women who swears by the “pineapple trick.” Good luck!



