5 Things Your Fertility Acupuncturist Wants You to Know

New to acupuncture? We really don't care if you haven't shaved your legs.
New to acupuncture? We really don’t care if you haven’t shaved your legs.

Since many of our patients have never had acupuncture before, we put together this somewhat playful list of things to know that might help you be a bit more comfortable at your acupuncture appointment. Enjoy!

  1. We don’t care if you’ve shaved your legs (or if you shave them at all): Trust me, the last thing we’re thinking about when we’re looking for a point is how prickly or smooth your legs are. If I had a dime for each apology I’ve received for unshaven legs, I’d be rich! We do palpate to find the location for the needles, and that is the real focus. We’re usually trying to feel for a landmark along a bone or muscle to help us find the correct location for the point.
  1. We don’t notice your imperfections: People come in all shapes and sizes. I know we are all self conscious about certain things (hips, thighs, feet, belly, etc.), and for many women weight can be a big issue. Sometimes, body confidence can take a hit if you experience bloating with fertility treatments, or if you’re pregnant and your body is changing in new and unfamiliar ways. We think you look amazing! We’re here to help you along your journey to motherhood and are not thinking about your size, shape or anything else. However, if your weight might be an issue related to your fertility, we can talk about helping you make changes to get down to a healthy weight. 
  1. We want to know if you’re afraid of needles: While the needles are painless and the treatment is very relaxing, we like to know if there is an underlying fear. There is a lot we can do to help alleviate fears such as answering your questions, explaining any aspect of the treatment in more detail, helping you breathe through needle insertions, or not mentioning needles at all! Our main goal during the treatment is to help you feel comfortable, so speak up! Trust us, after the first needle is put in, that fear will melt away!
  1. Tell us if you are uncomfortable during the treatment: If you’re too hot or too cold, let us know! If a needle feels uncomfortable, let us know! If you’re not sure how you can lay your arm comfortably without bumping a needle, ask and we’ll help you! I’ve even scratched a few itchy noses after needles were put in. (Why do noses always start itching the minute you can’t easily scratch them?) Anyways, in addition to receiving your acupuncture treatment, we want you to relax and enjoy it.
  1. It’s ok to share: We understand that infertility and pregnancy are deeply personal and it may be uncomfortable, hard, or even painful to share some of the details of your story. It is ok if you laugh, cry, or just don’t want to talk about something. We listen with open hearts and always have a tissue ready. We ask to understand your history and to better understand you as a person. We also know things come up during our conversations that are considered “TMI” to many people. There is no such thing as TMI with your acupuncturist, so don’t ever shy away from something you feel is important because of what we might think. More often than not, what you share is incredibly helpful in giving you the best care. We are very used to talking about all things fertility and pregnancy related and want to use that information to help!

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